Heavy rain game death
Heavy rain game death



Despite the criticisms though, I feel it would be a shame to disregard Heavy Rain for the failures of future games that were influenced by the formula. It’s worth giving the game a go, because you may just find that you enjoy it as a thrilling mystery, with a brilliant plot and it’s still largely unlike any other game out there.Now it’s out on PS4 too, there’s no excuse not to give it a try if you’re an owner of that console, but didn’t own a PS3.I want to avoid spoiling swaths of the game, because I think the game's "twist" is so badly implemented that it needs to be experienced fully and wholly, but in broad strokes the game eventually comes to be structured around dads and what the responsibility of a dad is. This is the game that was the catalyst for QTE heavy, gameplay-lite, ‘interactive movie’ games that have been criticised for only offering “the illusion of choice”. In conclusion, Heavy Rain is a game that clearly is not for everyone. I can’t remember if there are game over screens or not (Beyond: Two Souls didn’t have them), but I like the branching story paths and the multiple endings. I love that characters can live and die, depending on your actions and that the story will get resolved regardless. Now, obviously, the story does get resolved and there’s a few twists, which not everyone is a fan of, but overall, I found the story decent from start to finish. What I also really like about Heavy Rain, is whilst I found both Fahrenheit and Beyond: Two Souls have a ridiculous and convoluted plot, in comparison, Heavy Rain keeps things fairly grounded and the plot is far stronger. After that though, the game quickly picks up the pace. The first time I played it, I was blown away by the graphics and the level of interactivity, but in retrospect, the beginning is pretty damn boring up until the death of Ethan’s first son, Jason. The game begins with Ethan Mars living a ‘normal life’, forcing the player to perform a bunch of routine chores, acting essentially as a tutorial for the control style. Unlike Quantic Dream’s predecessor, Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain takes a while to get going.


Even though R1 is on the screen, indicating to shoot this man, you don’t have to… The game is full of choices and different consequences for your actions (or non actions). There’s also plenty of QTEs, that use a combination of stick movements, button presses and combinations of buttons. Interaction is placed almost entirely on the right stick, using different movements for different actions. Gameplay wise, you control characters using the right trigger to move them forward and using the left stick to change direction. Norman Jayden suffers from drug addiction and Madison Paige has insomnia and experiences nightmares. Ethan suffers from agoraphobia and, I guess, post-traumatic stress disorder/anxiety from the guilt and responsibility he feels from the death of his first son (died after Ethan lost him in a busy shopping mall, after walking in front of a car outside). What I like is that they all have their own weaknesses to overcome. I’m not sure why David Cage has such an obsession with awkward nudity and awkward sex scenes in his games, but he does.Īll of the characters are interesting and compelling to follow. The character include: Private detective, Scott Shelby, hired by families who are victims of the Origami Killer, to investigate and find the murderer Ethan Mars, the father of the latest child to disappear at the hands of the killer Norman Jayden a police officer investigating the murders and finally, Madison Paige, a journalist who is investigating and writing reports on the killer. You play as a variety of characters, 4 to be exact, all with their own stories that play into the overall arching plot. So the story is most definitely dark and something I found compelling whilst playing the game.


The story revolves around the mystery of the ‘Origami Killer’, a serial killer responsible for the kidnapping and murder of multiple children in the game.

heavy rain game death heavy rain game death

Heavy Rain is an interesting game, regardless of whether it’s your ‘cup of tea’ or not. Telltale’s Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us etc., Life is Strange and the recent Until Dawn. Personally, although I found Quantic Dream’s successor, Beyond: Two Souls, a step too far, I absolutely loved Heavy Rain and do love the genre of Action Adventure games it spawned, e.g. Heavy Rain was praised for providing a strong narrative, despite a few flaws in dialogue, and giving players choices and consequences for their actions, but critics of the the genre complained gameplay was minimal and boring.

heavy rain game death


Despite the strong initial response, the game has been both lauded and loathed by different audiences, for pushing video games in an interactive movie direction. It’s been six years since Quantic Dream released their now infamous Heavy Rain.

Heavy rain game death